Part 47: Chapter Thirty Six: Nightmare Circus
Music: 11 Its a Whale![](1-Breath_of_Fire_II_(USA)000.png)
As I said previously, this cave is where the Uparupa makes its lair. As far as I know nobody ever tells you its here, you just have to stumble across it through exploration.
Music: 04 Dungeon
Naturally a new dungeon also means new enemy encounters. It bears mentioning that nearly every enemy here is weak to fire, so Hecklers weapons will work wonders.
Sirens can cast Cyclone on single targets and can also use Dream Breath. They like to appear in pairs and can really ruin your day if they manage to put most of your party to sleep. Thankfully they arent too tough.
Stingers are an odd beast. They do nothing except heal themselves for 40 HP constantly, which would be more useful if every hit against them didnt do around 150 damage. They have a small chance of dropping a Warlock Ring, but other than that they arent very interesting.
Fallen Elves can be an annoyance. They attack twice per turn due to Combo Attack and have a high chance of scoring a critical hit. They can also cast Silence on your party, although thats more of an annoyance than anything else. They often appear as flunkies for other enemies.
Anyway, on with the game.
Inside the northern cave lies a weapon for Lin. Theres also another cave further to the north but it happens to be a dead end.
The eastern path leads to an island with a treasure chest.
We have accumulated a number of Coins by now. One day well have to see about putting them to good use.
Taking the southern door first is a very good idea.
Mostly because it leads to a chest containing an Ocean Robe, which is a neat piece of armour for female characters.
The northern door leads to this area full of Manillo.
Theres also another Manillo wholl try to sell you an Algerfruit for 1000 zenny. You may be thinking, An Algerfruit right where the Uparupas live? What was the point of slogging through the Algernon fight then? Dont worry. Theres a reason.
There are no enemy encounters here, but there are many caves with bright shiny eyes staring out at you.
Music: 10 Ill Do It!
The Uparupa is a cakewalk, especially compared to Algernon and co. whom we fought previously. Although physically powerful, resilient and able to counterattack any physical attack made against it, the Uparupa has low HP and will die after one round as long as Ryu busts out a Dragon attack.
Unfortunately, the game decides to pull a colossal dick move out of nowhere here. You see, only two of the eight Uparupas in this room can be caught. The rest just vanish into a puff of bullshit-scented smoke after the fight. So if you decided to just buy the Manillos bait theres an excellent chance that youll blow it on an uncatchable one.
This Uparupa hole contains one of the catchable Uparupas.
It is very important to let the Uparupa go. But! I hear you cry. We went through quite a lot of bullshit to catch this critter! Why let it go now, after all that?
It will then give you a chest.
With the goddamn Buster Sword inside.
Yeah. Now that weve stolen weapons from Final Fantasy VII, youd think itd be time to move on. But no; theres one final goody in here. If you exit this room, then re-enter
The chest is full again.
The Defender is a good shield that raises Ryus defence into the triple digits. Not bad at all. Also all the Uparupas have skedaddled, but thats not a problem. We can complete this little quest without one.
Skipping back to the circus
Music: Salad Toss Show
The Ringmaster isnt as overwhelmingly deadly as Algernon but he still packs a serious punch. His basic attack can hit for around 70 80 damage, even against Ryu. He also has pretty beefy HP and can hit the entire party with a variant of the Quake spell, only his hits everyone for exactly 48 damage every time. This battle is a damage race and its possible to lose if you dont pay attention, since him hitting two party members in a row is guaranteed to KO them unless you healed them up between rounds.
Aaaand that seems like a good place to stop. Ill do the usual thing of looking into Asparas abilities and such next time.